TITLE: GIS Analyst IS/9-262
DEPARTMENT: Information Services, Fayette County
JOB SUMMARY: Under limited supervision, plans, organizes, coordinates and participates in the development and implementation of the County’s geographic information system (GIS). Directs and participates in the long-term development and enhancement of GIS information technology to meet the County’s mapping and end user service objectives utilizing GIS theory and principles. The GIS Analyst completes standard professional level work assignments or projects. The position’s duties require interacting with multiple internal and/or external units or individuals to meet the County’s work requirements and objectives. Assignments are typically received in terms of expected outcomes and incumbents are expected to act independently to develop required information, including selecting approach and analytical techniques, and to provide sound analyses and recommendations. Assigned projects may include analysis, application development, database design or other areas specific to the assignment. The incumbent must have sufficient job content knowledge in the functional area to ensure County’s standards are met.
Get more information here: http://www.fayettecountyga.gov/hum_res/hr2/IS09-GISAnalyst262.pdf