Welcome Drone Enthusiasts
Let's Fly Together
Welcome to Georgia Geospatial’s Drone Group Page. Explore the resources and opportunities that Georgia Geospatial provides for drone enthusiasts across the State of Georgia. This group aims to facilitate the sharing of knowledge among Georgia’s geospatial community.

Flight Days
The Drone Group will meet periodically to trade notes on decisions regarding software, hardware, and certification; gain flight experience with a variety of drones; and discuss changes in regulations over time. Flight days are open to both members and non-members.
Upcoming Flight Days
Slides & Presentations
Previous Flight Days

Frequently Asked Questions
To fly a drone for commercial or governmental uses, you need a Part 107 certification from the FAA
Yes, there are many test-prep courses available online as well as in-person
Yes, there are hands-on flight training classes available by searching the internet.
3D/lidar/point-cloud modeling, orthomosaic creation, oblique image capture, disaster response, data collection, data validation, natural resource monitoring, etc.
Some organizational insurance policies cover drones, but there are also on-demand drone insurance policies offered by online companies ranging from annual subscriptions to by-the-hour.
Contact Us
Want to connect? Reach out to us at drones@gageospatial.org