GA Land History: How parcels were originally created in Georgia

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GA Land History

Charles C Corbin Jr. PE, PLS (Retired)


The Talk

Like the other 13 original colonies, Georgia has very unique land history. Unlike the rest of the United States, Georgia does not use the Public Land System of Township, Range and Section. Instead we have two separate land systems depending on where you are in the state. So why is that? Why are land lots different sizes and orientations in Georgia? This presentation will answer all those questions and more.



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The Presenter

Charles C Corbin Jr. PE, PLS (Retired)

With a degree from Georgia Tech in Civil Engineering, Charles Corbin Jr. is a retired professional engineer and land surveyor with over 40 years of experience as well as an amateur historian. Before retiring, Charles was the CEO for Keck & Wood, Inc. where he started as a draftsman in 1968. During his tenure with Keck & Wood, he helped grow the company from a single office with less than 10 employees to one with offices throughout the Southeast servicing clients across the United States. Charles has conducted hundreds of projects throughout Georgia as well as across the Country that included boundary determination as well as being the City Engineer of record for many cities such as Buford, Union City, Riverdale and others.