Luncheon November 8th 2016

Expanding Georgia’s LiDAR Footprint”

Speaker Name: Jimmy Nolan

Speaker Bio: Mr. Nolan began working with GIS in 1994 when he was the chief appraiser for Morgan County. In 1999 Jimmy went to work as the GIS specialist for the Georgia Department of Revenue. In 2001 he became the local government project manager for the Information Technology Services division of the Carl Vinson Institute of Government at the University of Georgia. Since joining ITOS he has been instrumental in helping develop GIS in approximately 50 counties and has worked with local officials in many more counties and cities to enhance data or provide advice and training. Jimmy is the Cadastral Coordinator for the state of Georgia and was on the Federal Geographic Data Committee technical working group that developed the parcel data content standards for the eastern 31 states. He is the immediate past chairman of the Georgia GIS coordinating committee and a former Ga. URISA board member. He has extensive knowledge of how Computer Assisted Mass Appraisal systems model property values and how the data used in these models is organized as well as how these systems integrate with GIS.

Presentation Summary: The presentation will cover:

current initiatives
upcoming LiDAR acquisition projects
coordination between multiple agencies at all levels of government
the 3DEP grant application that the state has submitted.

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