Camden County Administration Internship – Job Description
Intern Duties/Responsibilities:
Public Works Internship components:
- Data collection to include locating and plotting with GPS, outfall ditches, culverts and box culverts.
- Creating spreadsheets for record keeping with this data to record information regarding age, maintenance performed, and expected replacement information.
- Track down easements, plats, and deeds to facilitate in finding land ownership to help identify new easements needed.
- Develop an educational package for new property owners for information regarding easements and right of way details to explain the impacts to their property.
The intern will work closely with the Public Works Director to accomplish the tasks outlined above. Currently, the director and supervisors work to track down this data. It is a heavy lift given the other responsibilities. The intern will be creating the much-needed foundation that could be easily maintained moving forward.
The intern will be helping us update our GIS Database by plotting the locations of all outfall ditches and culverts with the support of our County Supervisors and Director.
The internship will take place between the months of May through September, it may not exceed 200 hours, and the intern will be compensated $12 per hour. The hours and days can be flexible, schedule will be discussed and agreed upon at the time the offer is made.
See here for more info.